At St. Mark’s, we are blessed to have a number of talented musicians who help us to offer music in a variety of styles. The choir provides leadership for the songs that we sing and offers anthems during the offertory. St. Mark’s is home to musicians who share their talents with the parish community on a regular basis. Our music director helps develop musically talented parish members, invites local musicians to serve in worship, and creates opportunities for members of our parish family to contribute musically to our services.
St. Mark’s Choir
The St. Mark’s Choir is a mixed-voice ensemble for adults. The choir sings at 10 am. Sunday service and various services throughout the year. They provide leadership for the hymns and psalms and offer anthems during the offertory. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. and briefly before the 10 a.m. service on Sunday mornings.
Section Leaders
St. Mark’s Choir is lucky to have several professional singers offer musical leadership each Sunday and at other major celebrations. These musicians often serve as cantors at weddings and funerals as well as lift the musicianship of our Sunday services. St. Mark’s is committed to providing the highest caliber of choral music in our sanctuary while also supporting young artists in the city of Milwaukee.
For more information about the choir, please contact our church office.