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To access the parish online database (this includes the directory), please click:

St. Mark’s Database (Breeze)

You will be prompted to enter your username and password. If you do not have a username and password, please contact Sara in the office. Users may update their profiles. If you prefer for us to make updates, please let Sara know.

Useful Links:

The Episcopal Church’s website contains information about the Episcopal Church and its ministries.

The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee website contains information about our diocese, including local resources, news, and events. The diocese publishes a weekly e-newsletter. Click here to subscribe to the newsletter.

The Lectionary Page contains scripture readings for each Sunday, as well as feast days and other events that mark the church year.

The Online Book of Common Prayer gives users access to a digital version of the Book of Common Prayer, the document which provides guidelines for worship in Episcopal congregations. The Book of Common Prayer also provides resources for personal and family devotions, as well as a brief catechism and historical documents related to the Anglican/Episcopal tradition.