At St. Mark’s, we don’t see June, July, and August as a time to send our church programming on summer vacation. Instead, we like to explore ways to volunteer, socialize, and worship together with our fellow church members and neighbors.
We invite you to a Summer of… Service

We have several opportunities for you to volunteer with three of our community partners, Kinship, The Gathering, and the Milwaukee Diaper Mission. Please sign up for as many slots as you’d like.
Kinship Community Food Center is committed to improving lives and growing community well-being in the city of Milwaukee. It engages volunteers and community residents to end hunger, isolation, and poverty.
The Gathering is an organization that feeds those who would otherwise go hungry or without. St. Mark’s has had a long relationship with The Gathering as it began as a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee. The Gathering serves between 80,000-90,000 meals annually.
The Milwaukee Diaper Mission is a nonprofit organization that partners with local social service agencies to distribute disposable and reusable diapering and period supplies to the families that they serve.
We have weekday, weekend, morning, and evening times available for you to volunteer.
Click here to see the times and to sign up. Please submit one form per person.
We invite you to a Summer of… Worship

We will continue to have Sunday morning worship at 8 and 10 a.m., Wednesday worship at 6 p.m., and Morning Prayer on Monday-Thursday at 9 a.m.
Be Still: An Evening of Contemplative Prayer
We will be beginning a new contemplative worship service called Be Still. Be Still will be on the first Friday of each month, beginning on June 2, at 7 p.m. As each day comes to a close, the church traditionally gathers to give thanks for that day’s gifts and to pray for our needs and the needs of the world. The candlelight service will include meditative music, scripture, intercessory prayer, and time for silent reflection.
Summer Choir — June 25, July 9, August 20
This summer we will have three Summer Choir Sundays. Participation is open to anyone – those who are in choir during the normal program year and those who’d just like to join for the summer! We will gather before the 10 a.m. worship to rehearse, and we will not be wearing robes. If you’d like to join in, let Michael know so he can have enough music and chairs available.